Tuesday, October 16

Drum Roll Please

The boys and I have picked a name. We printed off all the comments 3 times, and cut them all out. Then we put 1 of every one's name in a BIG Tupperware bowl. Then we put 1 of the all the ladies that commented on the "Going Pink" post. Then we put 1 of all the ladies that subscribe to my site. This always takes so long, I do not know why I do this. Well yes I do, the boys LOVE doing this. OK the winner is:

Amy said...
Congrats on hitting 20K! That's fantastic! And thanks for sharing some great blog candy...P.S. I most certainly commented on your going pink post!
12 October, 2007 08:47

Congrats Amy!!! Let me know the email address you want the gift certificate sent to.
Now I have a surprise -- since these two ladies are so wonderful. The boys and I decided to send Flossie and Pegg a gift certificate too. They have said that they would match my donation. YIPPEE -- you both ROCK!! So could you two let me know what email address you would like me to send you gift certificate to?

Pegg S said...
Good luck with this! What a great way to raise money! I'll match you, how about?
04 October, 2007 20:01

Flossie's Follies said...
That is fantastic, and I will match what you receive (up to $100) just let me know.
04 October, 2007 09:34

One last note -- THANK YOU to everyone that has supported me on this little adventure. I love hearing from each and every one of you.



Deborah said...

Congrats to Amy! Such angels Flossie and Peggie are too! Deb

Alhambra Club said...

OMG, WOW, here I am reading the post thinking bad things about Amy, only kidding, then I read down and WOW, how exciting, and how sweet of you. How about fasavarese@gmail.com. Thank you again that is so sweet of you