Tuesday, April 8


I did something to my left wrist this weekend. I don't know what I did, but it is killing me. Well the reason I am whining is because it is difficult to type. -- No blurfing, and I am so far behind. I know - whine whine whine. Funny thing is that not being as productive at work does not bother me, but not blurfing does (hee hee).

I have been tagged several times recently, and I have not had a chance to post them. Tonight, I sat down and did 4 of them (Elizabeth, Stephanie, Patti, and Debby). I copied all the links and was getting ready to publish my post and the power went out. I am so bumbed -- and I am not going to type all that again. -- Yes blogger saved some of it, but not enough. So I am sorry ladies!!! I will try again tomorrow.

Big Hugs and Smiles,


Paula said...

Whine away, I'll come over with some cheese, and we can party:>). Hope your wrist feels better, maybe it it carpal?

Cheryl KVD said...

I hope you feel better soon! I'd whine too if I couldn't blurf, so don't feel bad about complaining. Take care!

Risa said...

I hope you feel better soon Corie, take it easy and we'll see you soon!

Tanis said...

Feel better soon :)

Lee said...

Oh NO!!! I'm so sorry!! Just take good care of yourself and heal up quickly!!

Tracy.H said...

Hope you feel better soon! :0)

Lauren said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Alhambra Club said...

Oh my I hope your wrist is better soon, power outages, hate those nasty things, get them all the time in South Florida. I have my desktop on a battery backup, if the power goes out it gives me about 5 minutes, just enough time to save everything.

Christi Flores said...

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I hope your wrist gets to feeling better soon.

Alex said...

Oooh, I hope you feel better soon Corie - how awful!!! Take care of yourself!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Allison Rankin said...

That blows! I am way behind in my blurfing too but that is because of my polly wolly crappy job!

Fe-Fe said...

Sorry to hear you've got a poorly paw! Hope it gets better soon Corie.

My Paper World said...

Hope your wrsit gets better soon Corie!
Nicola xx

Rose Ann said...

So sorry about your wrist, Corie! I hope it's feeling better soon!

Little C's Creations said...

owwwie.... hope it heals quickly, i know how you feel when it comes to trying to catch up with my reader.
