Saturday, March 8

Becky from Bouncy Flouncy Fun Fun Fun , has nominated me for these awards! I feel so honored to be given this award! If you get the chance, go and check out her site, and all these other ladies too!

I am to nominate 10 ladies for this award. So here goes: Allison, Libby, Paula, Flossie, Jen, Teri, Chat, Charlene, Deb, Michelle

I would love to give this to everyone because you all make my day, so if you haven't already recieved it, feel free to post it on your site.


michelle sturgeon said...

Aw, thanks! :)

Teri said...

Hi Corie, Thanks for the nomination. I'll work on posting this to my blog soon. You make my day too!!
hugs, Teri

Libby Hickson said...

Thanks so much for nominating me Corie!! I'm sorry I've been too out of touch with blogland to respond sooner!!